Saturday, January 26, 2013

What makes a "Natural" Hand Crafted soap bar smell so good?

What makes a "Natural" Hand Crafted soap bar smell so good?

When scenting an aromatherapy bar, it is commonly understood that one will use pure essential oils. However, many consumers are perfectly okay with man made scents like mango, coconut, and the ever popular Jasmine, which if made with true Jasmine essential oil would be so cost prohibitive that only the wealthiest among us would ever sniff it's divine essence.  Some health food stores carry only true "natural" scents; that is, scents that can be distilled from plant leaves, barks, resins, or pulp. Examples of these might be lavender (flowers), clove (bark or leaves), orange (rind), and benzoin (tree resin). The reasoning behind this is the purported healing benefits of the essential oils in each chosen recipe. However, many offer a dizzying array of combination scents which marry essential oils with perfumes, or fragrance oils that are lab created to mimic natural scents. There is nothing wrong with these, unless you are of the belief that the scent of "Mom's apple pie" or "Sands of Morocco" don't offer any healing benefits.  Most consumers love these extra choices, as scent is the sense most closely linked to memory. . Smell and memory are very individualistic. What brings one person happiness and peace may trouble someone else.  That is because the memory you form correlates directly with whatever you are smelling at the time of the experience. .Here at Great Karma, we carry both pure essential oil soaps, as well as those scented with fragrance oils. We do this mostly to meet our customers desire for a pleasant bathing experience.  People like things that smell good because it makes them happy, and that is after all what we are here for.

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